A Chance Meeting & Interview

It’s like we’re connected. One event, one frivolous act… paints a path in what we consider trifling. It’s like some higher-power is observing the entire play… but we’re doing nothing… It’s like we’re BEING DONE.

Looking back on my life and where I’ve come… there’s not the slightest doubt… a certain chain of events led me to where I am now.

And if you asked… I’d put a wager on the notion that YOU were also led here.

About a month ago, I received an email from someone who, outside of receiving emails tied to another business of mine, I never before spoke with. Her name is Cate.

🙂 In 2008, I realized (or it seemed to me) that all the news and input I got from “out there” was negative or focused on the negative side of things. That prompted me to create this site to try to spread a bit of light and cheer and to encourage a positive world view or life perspective.

Cate, ACupfulOfHappy.com

Cate runs a successful blog known as A Cupful Of Happy. Cate seems to go against the mainstream media crowd by paying-forward a positive message of joy, motivation, humor, and the beauty of life.

In a manner of speaking, Cate and I crossed similar paths through our writings and, one day, she noticed a ‘different’ sort of email from my usual email urging how to ‘make money online’.

She clicked and read. It seems we both had an instant connection through an itch to share something deeper. In this post, I’d like to share with you my interview with Cate… Enjoy.

That decision to “yield to life,” fits right in with a lot of philosophies out there 🙂 had you been reading anything or associating with anyone that helped you to make that shift?

Cate, ACupfulOfHappy.com

After reading, be sure to tell Cate how much you appreciate her content! https://acupfulofhappy.com/interview-with-mike-paul-entrepreneur/

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